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Babies and Television

  • Babies and Television

    Boys Town Pediatrics

    ​The American Academy of Pediatrics official recommendations would say that children under two should not be watching any sort of TV, or screen time.

    Now, in the real world, I do not know how realistic that is. And I do not think that means if you are sitting there watching a show and your baby is happy in his bouncer seat, you do not need to turn him around so he cannot see it.

    I think what they are trying to get at is minute for minute any amount of screen time is not going to be as valuable to your baby as one on one interaction. They are going to learn so much more about the world with you just hanging out and talking to them.

    Now, some of that may happen while you are sitting there watching TV, but in general, the idea would be to keep that to a minimum.​​

Screen Time;Parenting Pediatrics